Checkpoints: The Price of Peace

Israel’s detractors often paint the security barrier, and the checkpoints that accompany it, as tools Israel uses to oppress the Palestinians. This documentary  investigate the real story behind the checkpoints and their existence, and examines the rational behind the checkpoints and the effects it has on Israelis. It’s clear the checkpoints have stopped suicide bombers and saved Israeli lives. While they are not ideal, until there is peace, does Israel have any other choice?

Produced by Write On For Israel/San Francisco teen participants

More Pallywood

Produced by Write On For Israel/San Francisco teen participants

“As Bay Area high school students, we encounter people who hold many preconceived notions of Israel. Some of our teachers openly condemn Israel for being an apartheid state and engaging in other monstrosities; fellow students speak of Israelis as murderers; and many peers refuse even to acknowledge Israel’s legitimacy as a state.

Therefore, my WOFI team chose to make our documentary about Israel’s public image and about how it is being demonized by falsified media in “Pallywood,” a widespread effort to present the Palestinians as hapless victims of Israeli aggression. While filming, we met people who gave us a great deal of insight into the topic and opened our minds to the dangers.

Today, most people trust the media to always tell the truth, even when it lies. Anti-Israel forces use the international media as a powerful channel to spread disinformation. By exposing the lies of Pallywood we want to put a spotlight on their malicious efforts. Our goal is to reveal the damage that’s been done to Israel’s image by Pallywood and
show Israel in a brighter light–because we feel that we must do our part to protect the only real democracy in the Middle East.”



Hamas Terrorists Are Killing Their Own People

This very disturbing video uncovers raw footage of what Hamas is doing to their own people in order to enforce their reign upon them.  I have no doubt that there are plenty of Palestinians who, like most of us, just want a little peace of mind and the ability to raise their families free from fear. What is obvious, however, is that the media has successfully brainwashed the world into thinking that their lack of peace is caused by Israeli brutality which couldn’t be farther from the truth. Unfortunately showing all the humanitarian acts Israel does on a constant basis with the Palestinians just doesn’t make “good”news. Lets face it there are a lot of people out there who just love to hate anything Jewish and do so in a blatent, self righteous way.  This video was made by a Palestinian

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Who are the Real War Criminals?

Human shields, women and children suicide bombers, does the UN or anyone else for that matter ever look at what Hamas is doing in order to win its war?