The Israeli Palestinian Conflict: 10 Myths Preventing Peace

The Israeli Palestinian conflict is an often misunderstood political battleground where facts are mixed with opinion, perference, and prejudice. There’s so much confusion around the conflict that we want to bring light to what is truth and what is myth. What issues are actually standing in the way of bringing peace between the Israelis and Palestinians? How does their fight over land complicate the conflict? And what role to political leaders like Yasser Arafat and Ehud Barak play along with organizations like UNRWA? These are questions we uncover in these 10 myths that are preventing peace in Palestine and Israel.

10 Unknown West Bank Facts

In only 2 minutes you’ll learn the history of the West Bank (Judea and Samaria) that you have probably never heard.

Israel – Good Things Come in Small Packages

Israel may be a small country, but it is packed full with  breathtaking nature, an abundance of plant & animal species, thousands of years of fascinating history, and a rainbow of cultures and traditions

Jerusalem: 4000 Years in 5 Minutes

Jerusalem, a mosaic of different peoples, faiths, and nationalities. Nevertheless, despite this diversity, under the  sovereignty of Israel, Jerusalem is a city that works. But has it always been this way?

Jerusalem: The Media Myth of Two Cities

The history of Jerusalem did not start in 1967. Thousands of years of  Jewish history took place in what is now called “Arab East Jerusalem.” Only when the Jewish residents were driven from their homes in 1948 was the city divided between East and West.  This video shows the reality of Jerusalem today and includes interviews from 1948 Jewish refugees of the Jordanian take over of Jerusalem.



Jewish families waiting outside their homes to be evacuated by Arab troops. Jerusalem, Israel. June 1948. John Phillips


Rubble lying in the streets after Arab looting of Jewish homes. Jerusalem. June 1948. John Phillips


Quick Israel History 101

Three great videos explaining in simplicity the west bank history, the peace proccess and refugees.

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