The Israeli Palestinian Conflict: 10 Myths Preventing Peace

The Israeli Palestinian conflict is an often misunderstood political battleground where facts are mixed with opinion, perference, and prejudice. There’s so much confusion around the conflict that we want to bring light to what is truth and what is myth. What issues are actually standing in the way of bringing peace between the Israelis and Palestinians? How does their fight over land complicate the conflict? And what role to political leaders like Yasser Arafat and Ehud Barak play along with organizations like UNRWA? These are questions we uncover in these 10 myths that are preventing peace in Palestine and Israel.

The UN vs. Israel

In the last few decades the United Nations has been obsessed with one country. Is it North Korea, Zimbabwe, Iran, Syria, China or some other nation with a reprehensible human rights record? Those would all be fair guesses and they would all be wrong. Anne Bayefsky, director of the Touro Human Rights Institute, answers this riddle and explains the upside down moral universe in which the United Nations resides.

Understanding UN Bias Against Israel

The United Nations has made the democratic State of Israel the target of incessant condemnation while neglecting its mandate in challenging the oppressive regimes around the world. The following video uncovers the factors behind the UN’s bias against Israel


Checkpoints: The Price of Peace

Israel’s detractors often paint the security barrier, and the checkpoints that accompany it, as tools Israel uses to oppress the Palestinians. This documentary  investigate the real story behind the checkpoints and their existence, and examines the rational behind the checkpoints and the effects it has on Israelis. It’s clear the checkpoints have stopped suicide bombers and saved Israeli lives. While they are not ideal, until there is peace, does Israel have any other choice?

Produced by Write On For Israel/San Francisco teen participants

More Pallywood

Produced by Write On For Israel/San Francisco teen participants

“As Bay Area high school students, we encounter people who hold many preconceived notions of Israel. Some of our teachers openly condemn Israel for being an apartheid state and engaging in other monstrosities; fellow students speak of Israelis as murderers; and many peers refuse even to acknowledge Israel’s legitimacy as a state.

Therefore, my WOFI team chose to make our documentary about Israel’s public image and about how it is being demonized by falsified media in “Pallywood,” a widespread effort to present the Palestinians as hapless victims of Israeli aggression. While filming, we met people who gave us a great deal of insight into the topic and opened our minds to the dangers.

Today, most people trust the media to always tell the truth, even when it lies. Anti-Israel forces use the international media as a powerful channel to spread disinformation. By exposing the lies of Pallywood we want to put a spotlight on their malicious efforts. Our goal is to reveal the damage that’s been done to Israel’s image by Pallywood and
show Israel in a brighter light–because we feel that we must do our part to protect the only real democracy in the Middle East.”



Klavan’s One-State Solution

In an effort to bring peace to the Middle East, President Barack Obama
has proposed that Israel should return to its 1967 borders in exchange
for being annihilated by its enemies. PJTV’s Andrew Klavan has a better


The Forgotten Refugees

In 1945 there were up to one million Jews living in the Middle East and North Africa outside the Palestine Mandate – many living in communities dating back more than three millennia. Today, there are only several thousand remaining.

Who are these Jews? What precipitated their mass-exodus in the 20th century? Where did they go? And why do we always hear about the Palestinian refugees, but didn’t even know these Jewish refugees existed?

A must see documentary

part 2  part 3 part 4 part 5





Is Israel An Apartheid State?

It’s a claim that’s been made for years, by Israel’s critics and
enemies.  “Israel is an apartheid state”.  That is, Israel treats
Palestinians, the way black South Africans were treated in the days of
apartheid.  But is the claim true?  Are Arabs in Israel really treated
as second-class citizens?  Is Israel a racist nation?  Watch this video and judge for yourself.

Jerusalem: The Media Myth of Two Cities

The history of Jerusalem did not start in 1967. Thousands of years of  Jewish history took place in what is now called “Arab East Jerusalem.” Only when the Jewish residents were driven from their homes in 1948 was the city divided between East and West.  This video shows the reality of Jerusalem today and includes interviews from 1948 Jewish refugees of the Jordanian take over of Jerusalem.



Jewish families waiting outside their homes to be evacuated by Arab troops. Jerusalem, Israel. June 1948. John Phillips


Rubble lying in the streets after Arab looting of Jewish homes. Jerusalem. June 1948. John Phillips


Pat Condell: Peace in the Middle east

Pat Condell shares his thoughts about the Israel/Palestinian conflict in three very sharp and articulate  videos.

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