Understanding UN Bias Against Israel

The United Nations has made the democratic State of Israel the target of incessant condemnation while neglecting its mandate in challenging the oppressive regimes around the world. The following video uncovers the factors behind the UN’s bias against Israel


The Forgotten Refugees

In 1945 there were up to one million Jews living in the Middle East and North Africa outside the Palestine Mandate – many living in communities dating back more than three millennia. Today, there are only several thousand remaining.

Who are these Jews? What precipitated their mass-exodus in the 20th century? Where did they go? And why do we always hear about the Palestinian refugees, but didn’t even know these Jewish refugees existed?

A must see documentary

part 2  part 3 part 4 part 5





Hamas Runs Out of Footage

What can a terrorist organization do when they don’t have pictures of their own dead bodies to pull the heart-strings of the international community? How about using some pictures from the civil war in Syria, or better a few shots of wounded Israelis, just as long as the victims look middle eastern they’ll use it in order to distort the truth and gain international attention and sympathy

Who are the Real War Criminals?

Human shields, women and children suicide bombers, does the UN or anyone else for that matter ever look at what Hamas is doing in order to win its war?